BCM320, Third Year

Fashion in Korea: Digital Artefact and Contextual Essay

Digital Artefact https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11rMt2JYRtR19-TMo_8PuuPcKeY3H5fQ3PVie6zmMA1o/edit?usp=sharing Contextual Essay Autoethnographic Methodology and Field Sites Due to time, money, and commitment restraints, I was not able to visit a physical environment in which Korean fashion is truly represented (e.g. Korea). While throughout Sydney there are stores that sell Korean inspired fashion, I believed that an online environment would be able… Continue reading Fashion in Korea: Digital Artefact and Contextual Essay

BCM241, Second Year

Screens In Japan – Ethnographic Study Pt. 2

In conducting research for my ethnographic study, I decided it would be appropriate to examine scholarly resources like Wagatsuma’s ‘Study of Personality and Behaviour in Japanese Society and Culture’ (1970), as well as Caudill’s ‘The Study of Japanese Personality and Behaviour’ (1970). While not as recent as I would have liked them to be, they… Continue reading Screens In Japan – Ethnographic Study Pt. 2

BCM241, Second Year

Screens in Japan – Ethnographic Study Pt. 1

My ethnographic study will be based on around uncovering the cultural differences between Japanese and Australian society, as well as how these differences influence our relationship with technology. I’d like to investigate the spoken and unspoken differences and rules between Japanese and western screen use, and how they impact our interaction with screens in public,… Continue reading Screens in Japan – Ethnographic Study Pt. 1

BCM241, Second Year

Public Mobile Phone Use in Japan

"Culture is the behaviour you reward and punish." -Jocelyn Goldfein While mobile phone use in Tokyo is ubiquitous, it is courteous. Citizens are expected to respect each other's privacy and public distance while on public transport, despite being purveyor's of the some of the world's most advanced technology, like emotionally sensitive artificial intelligence and therapy… Continue reading Public Mobile Phone Use in Japan